The United Nations recently launched an initiative that could give the organization control over the world’s oceans — because apparently meddling with our planet’s land based countries isn’t enough.
It’s not a surprising move for the U.N. While the organization faces harsh criticism over their effectiveness and necessity on the world stage, they continue to try and accumulate more power.
Of course, should the U.N. succeed in their global power grab, they’d be in a much more powerful position than ever before, which may very well be their plan. With the ocean’s natural resources still largely untapped, many scientists are eyeing the seas for everything from power, gas, and food in order to accommodate the world’s growing population. These meetings could put the U.N. in charge of all of that.
The meetings are still very early, and not many details have been spilled, to see what the U.N. had to say about the meetings regarding the matter, continue reading on the next page:
We don’t need to belong to the United Nations.
we need to get rid of the government in our lives. we need to let each state take care of the people in their states and no government
Bomb the United Nations put it to rest don’t need these trouble makers or their new world order
UN can’t seize their own asses with both hands! We need to withdraw our support from the UN and get out, the have no leagle authority to do$#%&!@*!!
Who the$#%&!@*do they think they are? God her self ?$#%&!@*the Feds$#%&!@*the U.N$#%&!@*the EVILS of World government
Said that along time ago,,!!!! Or Confederate states break off from United States was shot down by the Supreme Court
With everybodies rubbish and poisons led into ocean’s is a problem not so? My goodness somebody needs to take charge yet once the harm is done to sea lives who is to be held responsible and same gets allowed all over
It shouldn’t be about taking over is to stop what’s happening