The United Nations recently launched an initiative that could give the organization control over the world’s oceans — because apparently meddling with our planet’s land based countries isn’t enough.
It’s not a surprising move for the U.N. While the organization faces harsh criticism over their effectiveness and necessity on the world stage, they continue to try and accumulate more power.
Of course, should the U.N. succeed in their global power grab, they’d be in a much more powerful position than ever before, which may very well be their plan. With the ocean’s natural resources still largely untapped, many scientists are eyeing the seas for everything from power, gas, and food in order to accommodate the world’s growing population. These meetings could put the U.N. in charge of all of that.
The meetings are still very early, and not many details have been spilled, to see what the U.N. had to say about the meetings regarding the matter, continue reading on the next page:
United Nations should be abolished and torn down before it does anymore damage to the world! We could save so much money and prevent them from making such idiotic demands on its members! Time to stop this waste and senseless decisions!
The land was given to the UN by Mr Rockefeller. Would love to see it fall into the East river.
You can’t do that unless you seize control of the navy’s. I think the UN would have a few problems in this area.
We need to stop funding it so it will collapse. Put them out of New York so the foreign members can’t keep getting away with illegal actions.
Great idea.
Great idea.
Theres only one thing to do to the UN.
Screw the UN, they are totally ineffective and a wast of money and resources of the country’s that support it … Disband the UN …
The UN needs to go. Without our money they wouldn’t survive.