The United Nations, that nest of would-be globalist dictators, has decided to move from just criticizing the U.S. to campaigning for its candidate of choice. We shouldn’t have to tell you which candidate the U.N. is supporting, but it isn’t Donald Trump. This is pretty blatant stuff.
It turns out, however, that maybe this was just a little too blatant, even for the folks at the U.N., since they ended up retracting their endorsement after about 20 minutes.
Check out the UN monkey business on the next page:
Thank you tim and sue. But i do have one concern. That trump is in same game. Maybe the person might be good but the party and ideas are gonna be our demise. Both the reps amd dems work gor the same thing. Their are other candidates, these two are just the ones that money bought with. No truth politicians, just me and im not politician.
Who Cares What That Goat Humper Thinks!!! He Just Wants Hillary In Office So More of His Goat Humping Buddy’s Can Be Brought to America To Help Destroy Our Freedom!!
If Trump becomes president, he needs to oust the UN out of america and limit our ties with them. Our anti-american Obama slept with them and they were gitting to much into our bussiness. Trump is the one man that can stop this crazy sell out the US to world powers. Obama, and Hillary Clinton will continual to sell us out if we don’t put someone in like Trump.
Basement Dwellers, Deplorables, African Americans & Hispanics Have Been Oppressed By Failed Democratic Leadership For Decades!
By Supporting & Voting For American President That Wants To Serve All Americans. If You Really Don’t See Improvement In Your Lives After Four Years Vote Democrat Again!
America Knows The Administration, DOJ, FBI & Media Are Corrupt When It Comes To Hillary, Her Emails, & Her Foundation. So We Will Have To Prosecute Her On Nov.8th With A Guilty Vote For Trump/Pence!
Just Look At The Democrats Giant Trojan Horse Plan To Bring 110,000 Of Unvented Refuges To Destroy Us From Within,
Americans Who LOVE OUR COUNTRY Must Come Together For Ourselves, Children, Grand Children & Great Grand Children.
To Protect & Preserve Our Constitutional Rights For Generations To Come If Hillary Clinton Is Elected She Will Appoint 3 To 5 Liberal Judges To The Supreme Count & Many More To Federal Courts Around Our Country.
Please Unite Together This November 8th To Protect & Preserve Our Rights & Freedoms By Voting For; Trump/Pence 2016.
disband UN!
The UN needs to leave the US. I would give them notice that they are gone (evicted) as of January 25th.
Abolish the UN…!!!
ya right!
How can we the people, believe anything they say?