The United Nations, that nest of would-be globalist dictators, has decided to move from just criticizing the U.S. to campaigning for its candidate of choice. We shouldn’t have to tell you which candidate the U.N. is supporting, but it isn’t Donald Trump. This is pretty blatant stuff.
It turns out, however, that maybe this was just a little too blatant, even for the folks at the U.N., since they ended up retracting their endorsement after about 20 minutes.
Check out the UN monkey business on the next page:
They don’t want him elected, just like they didn’t want Reagan elected.
WE NEED to GET the HELL OUT of the UN!!!
They are in Hillarys pocket, They are only doing their Traitor leaders bidding..Obozo will take Ban Ki Moons place and Loretta L will take judge Scalias seat on the Supreme Court if Killary gets elected and we are so screwed..
Its all about globalization, over the last 25 years dem, and rep, have worked hard at bringing our world under one umbrella. They have tied the money markets together and now working on the finalizing of their global plan. I dont believe but not certain that Trump is part of this scheme, and thats why all the politicians of the world are trying to tear him down, especially here in the states. If he gets in and is not apart of their scheme they will loose alot of ground that they have gained over the last 25 years. They hate him because they are worried about their empire crumbling. I know where Hillary stands on this so, we will vote for Trump! Just a thought.
WHen Trump becomes POTUS we need to get out of the corrupt UN…just Like BREXIT!!
Trump get rid of the UN
VOTE Donald Trump for president
Whiney little bitches. Corruption to the core. Never trust a Russian Politicians they kill you rather then help you.
They were hacked and yet think they need conyrol of the internet?!