The United Nations, that nest of would-be globalist dictators, has decided to move from just criticizing the U.S. to campaigning for its candidate of choice. We shouldn’t have to tell you which candidate the U.N. is supporting, but it isn’t Donald Trump. This is pretty blatant stuff.
It turns out, however, that maybe this was just a little too blatant, even for the folks at the U.N., since they ended up retracting their endorsement after about 20 minutes.
Check out the UN monkey business on the next page:
We’re going to get rid of the UN and kick their butts right out of this country!
U.N. needs to go.
They need to be gone as in BYE!
The useless nations is the most worthless institution ever created. Hasn’t prevented one war, or kept one peace. It legitimizes rogue nations and despots. It is nothing more than a repository for washed up diplomats on a taxpayer funded expense account.
We need to get the UN out of our country and stop paying for this c**p.
UN corrupt USA get the hell out.
Obama is with corrupt UN
Trump when you get elected take america out of un, they are worthless except taking our money
The UN doesn’t seem to do much for us–do bad things to us–they love obama
And they think we believe them? Yea right! Just more reason to vote for Trump!
up united nations$#%&!@*