A one world government, coming to a sphere near you! The United Nations has plans for you and the way you live your life. If you don’t like it tough, it is part of their “2030 Agenda blueprint for globalist government” and you get to live in their “utopia”.
Your version of what is best for your life, your family, your country is not in the “2030 Agenda” and thus you must submit. Want to know how? Read the next page:
Well if your stupid enough to not fight back and let it happen then you deserve what you get. As for me i don’t want their one world government and I’m sure Russia,China an North Korea are going to sit back and have a bunch of spoiled rich brats control their Countries I think they will have a fight on their hands
susie says u guys are Num 1
with draw out of this organization
All I can say is…. F**K the u.n., if it were up to me, I’d round up all u.n. members, and force them to watch as u.n. building is demolished to get it off American soil, and then I’d give ALL u.n. members 48 hrs to vacate our country, after 48 hrs ANY member still here would be IMMEDIATELY arrested and put in a detention center INDEFINITELY!!
This planetship has its natural order of shifting change… Every great Civilization that has ever existed eventually lost its power and wealth, and usually always ended by Mother Nature herself… I wouldn’t worry too much about what the UN are planning to do… Mother Nature has other plans, of which are already set in motion, and there’s not enough money in the world to buy out Mother Nature… She will depopulate us, no matter what is done… Even if the governments decided or not for some radical action plan… its meaningless, and or pointless… The more bombs they drop on each other, the faster this planetship will do the shuffling… And these “civilized” elite will most likely get caught up in a freakish storm, and next thing you know… the members of the UN, one by one those seats will be empty… And one by one, most governments will either go bankrupt from too much damage, or carry such a huge debt, that they will want to force the elite to bail them out… But a few governments will survive, and they will most likely take advantage of the situation, then there will be a new elite… and the chain will start over again… Creating the best form of government by the people for the people isn’t Democracy… Democracy is failing system, and corrupted by politicians with greed and power…
We need to stop fundng the UN, get out of the UN and get the UN out of NY.
China has already introduced a one world currency.
Not good!!!!
Kinda, their bankers are working on it, same as the bankers in Greece are doing and in Brazil.