Good heavens this woman, Reverend Young, is heretical! Standing in front of the abortion clinic where Latisha Wilson died due to an abortion, United Methodist Church pastor, Reverend Laura Young, decided that what this baby killing machine needed was a blessing!
God Bless???? the doctors who suction out babies, curettage baby bodies, tearing and cutting the fetus and using the vacuum machine and then crushing the skull of the babies, suffocating the babies with saline, doing a is c-section and then placing a wet towel over the baby’s face so it can’t breathe.
This delusional “pastor” wants to bless baby murder? Unbelievable and there is more on page two!
Maybe they should read the bible before they open there mouths
Which Bible are they using?
Somebody kick that Lesbo out of the clergy.
“Woe to those who call evil good.”
NO blessed God does not b less this mess…
They think they’re Catholic now? Im not familiar but no man of flesh can bless anything, he can receive blessings only. The Catholic church has proven what they’re all about in the past and the things going on with this ‘pope’ going around whoring himself and saying whoever’s political agendas is no ‘man of God’ . No life is an accident. I wouldn’t be surprised if these people aren’t actors doing this moronic stuff (assuming it’s true) to turn people against Christians. Christianity seems to be under attack. America is about freedom and equality. .at least it used to be. If you want to be heathens and Godless, well that’s your choice but don’t forget whose house you’re in.
So they must read a different bible than the one I have. They also must believe in a different god than I do; and there is only one God…my God.
Isaiah 59:2
But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.