Good heavens this woman, Reverend Young, is heretical! Standing in front of the abortion clinic where Latisha Wilson died due to an abortion, United Methodist Church pastor, Reverend Laura Young, decided that what this baby killing machine needed was a blessing!
God Bless???? the doctors who suction out babies, curettage baby bodies, tearing and cutting the fetus and using the vacuum machine and then crushing the skull of the babies, suffocating the babies with saline, doing a is c-section and then placing a wet towel over the baby’s face so it can’t breathe.
This delusional “pastor” wants to bless baby murder? Unbelievable and there is more on page two!
These so called clergy women have no clue what Jesus or the Bible are about. They are just misguided women who want to be popular and they deceive many for which they will be accountable for before God.
.Quick Bah Humbug…The Good Lord would never respond positively to such a “blessing”. The chsracters are just puffin’ wind…
I really hope there is more to this story because if it isn’t, I’m turning in my Methodist card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t think the Good Lord will hold it against me… maybe if those women in the picture were singing “I hope The See the Light”..but those signs DON’T CUT IT!!!!!!!!
these people have no idea about the real Bible, if they did they would know women should be silent in church no women preachers, no lesbians no gays, do not bless abortionists who sell baby parts, you are false prophets shame on you
And God cried.
i can only pray they were calling for blessings on the unborn, and for the hearts of everyone there to be changed….
I can’t believe this. Surely not , women should not be ministers , God will ever bless this , read your bible ,