Good heavens this woman, Reverend Young, is heretical! Standing in front of the abortion clinic where Latisha Wilson died due to an abortion, United Methodist Church pastor, Reverend Laura Young, decided that what this baby killing machine needed was a blessing!
God Bless???? the doctors who suction out babies, curettage baby bodies, tearing and cutting the fetus and using the vacuum machine and then crushing the skull of the babies, suffocating the babies with saline, doing a is c-section and then placing a wet towel over the baby’s face so it can’t breathe.
This delusional “pastor” wants to bless baby murder? Unbelievable and there is more on page two!
I have noticed a disturbing trend, Women have become murderers 10 times faster then men…Add all the murders of babies that women commit and all other murders men commit…it is no contest…M
Right before God sends you to hell explain to him why you think this
and may they all burn in hell.
It is sad to know that the Methodist Church and the Episcopalian Church believes on killing babies, and selling them part by part. Money to them is more important than a baby.
No surprise! Wolves in sheep clothing!
The Demons are coming out,
Sick, confused, and badly mistaken women who should not be ordained in the first place. This is what you get with apostate denominations who do not follow the Word of God.
Willum Prather It’s not a fetus if it isnt fetilized.
This bothers me a lot. Janet Kent Cavin, Mike cavin, what exactly is our policy on abortion?
Reprobate minds!