Good heavens this woman, Reverend Young, is heretical! Standing in front of the abortion clinic where Latisha Wilson died due to an abortion, United Methodist Church pastor, Reverend Laura Young, decided that what this baby killing machine needed was a blessing!
God Bless???? the doctors who suction out babies, curettage baby bodies, tearing and cutting the fetus and using the vacuum machine and then crushing the skull of the babies, suffocating the babies with saline, doing a is c-section and then placing a wet towel over the baby’s face so it can’t breathe.
This delusional “pastor” wants to bless baby murder? Unbelievable and there is more on page two!
Thou shalt not kill.
Anti Christ church
So these “ministers” even read their Bibles? What do they do with “He knew you, even in your mother’s womb”? The God that they worship creates life and knows us even before we are born. To God, abortion is the destruction of His creation. How can they bless something that destroys a creation of God?
United church of Satan!
this is seriously messed up!
He hears everyone… judgement day won’t be a fun one for many…
Sorry but you can’t be pro everything! A stand needs to be taken against this horrendous crime of murder of the defenseless unborn! Choice should be made before conception, not after.
Willum Prather who is talking about rape or medical conditions. Did you even read what i wrote.” Lack of responsibility ” 3500 babies are aborted everyday in the US. Funny how most of the people who defend abortions just don’t want to accept that they killed their child.. Mental hospitals should be over flowing in this country.