Good heavens this woman, Reverend Young, is heretical! Standing in front of the abortion clinic where Latisha Wilson died due to an abortion, United Methodist Church pastor, Reverend Laura Young, decided that what this baby killing machine needed was a blessing!
God Bless???? the doctors who suction out babies, curettage baby bodies, tearing and cutting the fetus and using the vacuum machine and then crushing the skull of the babies, suffocating the babies with saline, doing a is c-section and then placing a wet towel over the baby’s face so it can’t breathe.
This delusional “pastor” wants to bless baby murder? Unbelievable and there is more on page two!
It’s the end of the world!
cant have a battle of wits with an unarmed person
Or maybe you would prefer the fact that “gods people” are unaccepting of anyone or anything different than them. Much like$#%&!@*or Pol Pot?
They are sick.
Or the fact that the bible says don’t trus man for he is a liar….but man penned the bible, there for, based on its own writings, it’s a lie?
Timothy thank you for the links. I was raised Catholic too but now I just consider myself a Christian. I’ve found out as you did the history of the Catholic church as well as that there are other pagan religions. The pope and any religion or group that support the New world order or new age movement is satanic/ luciferian cult based.
Sickening. Jesus said my people will perish for lack of knowledge.
Come on Bob Judware please explain to me which of my previous statements can be proven wrong. Please?
They are some sinister looking women…..
By the way I have a few guns that need blessing for when the holy war starts in the U.S.