Christ’s Mass, celebrated on December 25th since the 4th century, needs to move over, according to the UAE.
The United Arab Emerites has declared December 24 the public holiday to remember the “prophet’s” birthday. The Minister of Education, and Chairman of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, declared that Thursday, the 24th, would be dedicated to mark Muhammad’s birth.
This is now the law of the land for the UAE. Hammadi sent congratulations to numerous heads of state and royalty, wishing them best regards on this newly established holiday.
Interestingly, Christmas is tolerated in the UAE, but one wonders for how long, with their Prophet taking what they would consider his rightful place in their federal holidays.
Read more on the following page.
No way
May I ask the reason for this??? Has the UAE given its reasoning for this?? Not causing arguments…I would like to know.
UAE is a muslim country , let the , WE r a CHRISTIAN NATION , SO MERRY CHRISTMAS IT IS !!
What the F?
Since when??? In all the tbousands of years Dec 25th was when Jesus was born in Bethleham….that was how many centuries before Mohamad showed up….notice some things from the Bible was put into the Quan.??
It’s an attempt to hijack our Christmas.
Why did it take so long to make that declaration? Is it because Christians know the true God and pray to our God who has been around since the beginning of time. Fairy tales cannot change the true faith, birthday indeed.
One can always count on the Arabs and Muslims to be as disgusting and nasty as they can possibly be. The witches also claim this season as well.
Muhammad who!
A stab at Christianity!