Recently the minimum wage has caused renewed debate, with the left in support of it and those who are economically literate opposing it. Despite the obvious economic issues with the minimum wage, many blindly support it.
The biggest proponents of increasing the minimum wage are unions, which make an advance at every turn to support the idea. But, one Los Angeles union isn’t so sure about how it feels about an increased minimum wage.
If a $15 minimum wage is so great, then why is this union supporting it, but calling for an exception when it comes to their own workers?
Before anyone receives a wage of $15.00 they have to answer the question what’s three times five?
That’s what I thought
We live in a democratic Cons$#%&!@*utional Republic, not a democracy. It has elements of democracy but unlike a democracy the US protects the rights of the individual from the tyranny of the majority as well as the tyranny of the minority.
Your words speak for themselves Erich” you can’t make what your worth in hour area either” Unionize you idiot. Good lord your dumb for an educated man. LOL
Your area
Wow. Umm…anger is. Umm…
Wait till they realize they wont get $#%&!@*istance anymore … and the reality of us who barely make ends meet with less than they had hits them.
Ever one can’t be lawyers ever one can’t be doctors, or actors or have high paying jobs. 15.00 an hr I was thinking 20.00 an for fast food workers. But when these doctors and lawyers and rich wealthy people want a combo meal at McDonald’s and they want it in 10 sec and food needs to be hot and correct with there orders be willing to pay 25.00 for your food. Get ready America it’s coming. Eat more ramen noodles and pork in beans and bologna sand.
Just keep telling yourself that Kurt, that’s what allows them to completely ignore the voice of the people. The top 10% (the minority you think you’re protected from) have the loudest voice. Both tax codes didn’t cut themselves out because of poor people.
We cant afford to raise wages!