Last Saturday night, two police officers received a call from dispatch that a black male wearing a red shirt, dark jeans and a do-rag had just tried to car jack his friend’s car at gunpoint. Officers Joshua Comitale and Chad Klein responded and both were shot at point blank range. And when the whole incident was reported in the press, SEIU union organizer Sean Collins took a very strange approach.
Check Collins’ bizarre posts after the break:
Oh really Jim Morris 19 other people like my comment you are the one who is warped and has your head in the sand. You must be a liberal idiot like most democrats.
Stupid white trash
What Union, what local.
Hopefully he will be the next victim of these ruthless thugs
Reprehensible and cowardly, but guess we expect that from union punks!
normal union response unions suck and this proves it
These sick sob’s need to be locked up they are mentally ill.
This has been going on a lot longer than just this administration. And the number of likes doesn’t mean you are right,
So, A union organizer exercises his First Amendment right to free speech, and the right-wing echo-chamber attacks the President, labor unions, the Cons$#%&!@*ution, democracy and civil rights. OF COURSE! The real surprise is that any of you wingnuts are able to use your computer while cowering in your ba$#%&!@*t with your AR-15, wearing a tinfoil hat as you wait for the gay Muslim invasion from Mexico. Pathetic. And kind of funny.