Undercover Plot Discovered to Disrupt Transit Systems in DC During Inauguration

Undercover Plot Discovered to Disrupt Transit Systems in DC During Inauguration

Elements of the left, in their zeal to do almost anything to disrupt the Trump inauguration, are advocating violence. They actually plan to be arrested, and one leader in one of the protest groups talks as though getting arrested in this cause might well be something to be proud of.

What we have here is not a group of misguided people, but a group of criminals, or at least criminals-to-be. And they best have another think about the desirability of getting arrested. One criminal act under consideration by these lunatics carries with it a 20-year sentence if convicted. That would certainly give one of these violent demonstrators plenty of time to consider the error of his or her ways.

But just how violent could this turn? And are these people really serious? More on page two.

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