Source: Common Dreams
The United States Government has been involved with a staggering number of inhumane and absolutely vile experiments on humans without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. In some cases these were simply misguided attempts to achieve some greater good, while in others, a quest for scientific discovery at any cost ran un-checked with truly evil consequences. Regardless of the excuses, these official projects or sanctioned cooperation by the American government mark terrible points in the country’s history.
BEWARE: the true stories and images on the following slides are disturbing and should make you think twice before fully trusting a government responsible for these deeds.
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No telling what they are doing to us now. I know too many of my classmates who have children that have had birth defects and is now sick or even died.
Donald Vest Not only the jungle, my friend. Sprayed directly on me! Plus we sprayed it with a bug sprayer along our fence lines! It’s safe! Dying from it now! The effects are terrible.
And once again….where did I state or imply that non-consensual experimentation was acceptable or ok? You have DRASTICALLY misunderstood what my original comment was. Allow me to attempt to correct and educate you. Consent….means to agree to. Therfore if a person agrees to be experimented on, then I’m all for it. No matter what the consequence is to the individual. Seeing as how you took my comment to basically mean “let’s just experiment on any and every single person against their will” (still have no clue how you made thar assumption from a very straight forward comment, but hey…that’s your lack of comprehension, not mine.) I mean…you do realize that without human experimentation we wouldn’t have things like…organ transplants, vaccines, much needed cancer treatments…etc. you do realize that right? We couldn’t drive cars…we wouldn’t be able to fly in airplanes, visit the moon….do you see how far human experimentation has gotten us? Sorry man….but you really just don’t get it. And frankly I feel kind of sorry that you live in such fear of furthering your own species.
Rothschild’s Puppets
What about depleted uranium in a powder form that s***’s nasty
My father stood for a thousand yards away from a thermonuclear explosion wow
My great grandfather was one of the three Chicago patients. He had cancer throughout his body. He volunteered for the experimental procedures. They never told him what they were giving him, but when they came in to give it to him, they were wearing full radioactive protective gear. Sometimes it was shots, other times they had him drink stuff. It was the beginning framework for chemotherapy.
Jessica Scott, what we talked about at dinner… is this part of it
My first guess is making Obama president?
There were more, giving radioactive milk to school children, lacing the water supply of a small Florida town with drugs to make the populace more aggressive, etc…
Sadly, from the signs of things MK-Ultra never ended, just changed names.