Source: Common Dreams
The United States Government has been involved with a staggering number of inhumane and absolutely vile experiments on humans without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. In some cases these were simply misguided attempts to achieve some greater good, while in others, a quest for scientific discovery at any cost ran un-checked with truly evil consequences. Regardless of the excuses, these official projects or sanctioned cooperation by the American government mark terrible points in the country’s history.
BEWARE: the true stories and images on the following slides are disturbing and should make you think twice before fully trusting a government responsible for these deeds.
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
Doesn’t surprise me at all!! We can only imagine what experiments are being done now without our knowledge.
USignedtheMotherfuckingContract. Stop bitching,$#%&!@*holes.
Donald Ray Thrasher Jr
So Agent Orange is a naturally occurring chemical compound that can defoliate large swaths of land? If so, why isn’t it naturally occurring any more?
10 done under Demo Presidents, 3 under Repub & one under both
I didn’t realize I said it was naturally occuring.
They forgot to mention the radiated milk experiment on Alaska natives… a village in the bush is a great place to experiment on humans because can control who comes and who goes along with foods and beverages. They wanted to know the results of radiation on humans in a controlled environment. Alaska villages were the perfect labs…
You forgot to list Obamacare
Give it up people.
There’s many many more