Source: Common Dreams
The United States Government has been involved with a staggering number of inhumane and absolutely vile experiments on humans without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. In some cases these were simply misguided attempts to achieve some greater good, while in others, a quest for scientific discovery at any cost ran un-checked with truly evil consequences. Regardless of the excuses, these official projects or sanctioned cooperation by the American government mark terrible points in the country’s history.
BEWARE: the true stories and images on the following slides are disturbing and should make you think twice before fully trusting a government responsible for these deeds.
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Purple clouds of smoke dropped over nevada and utah, blowing miles in the wind and inflicting all those that breathed the poison w cancer in subsequent years….when asked, govt said, theres no risk to public safety
Is Zika the latest? Chemicals (organophosphate, Naled) and GMO mosquitos ( self limiting unless in contact with antibiotic tetracycline)
We need to do these experiments on politicians!
Very very disturbing
In a recent trip to white sands NM, loa
I read how Bill Gates says he will depopulate America using vaccines. I will not take a flu shot or anything else the govt pushes. I also believe people need to think twice before taking antidepressants because the govt gives them out like candy but will not help with BP pills.
I’ve watched a documentary about Biological Warfare and how they have meds that target different parts of the brain. They referenced the zombie shows and how these meds can target the brain and actually make that more of a reality than we think.
I am part of an Uncle Sam experiment. Back in the 80’s, I was stationed in Germany while I was in the Army. The summer of 86, the Army announced that every soldier could present their ID cards at the commissary, and get 2 pounds of free beef each week. So, all summer long, we were all getting our free beef and grilling it out every weekend. Come fall, the Army announced, ” you know all that free beef you have been getting all summer? It was infected with Mad Cow Disease!”
They wanted human test subjects.
It mimics Alzheimer’s in people.
Just 13?
What about all the eugenics and sterilization programs the u.s. government preformed on Native Americans
Sorry to hear that. Thank you for your service gentlemen!