Source: Common Dreams
The United States Government has been involved with a staggering number of inhumane and absolutely vile experiments on humans without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. In some cases these were simply misguided attempts to achieve some greater good, while in others, a quest for scientific discovery at any cost ran un-checked with truly evil consequences. Regardless of the excuses, these official projects or sanctioned cooperation by the American government mark terrible points in the country’s history.
BEWARE: the true stories and images on the following slides are disturbing and should make you think twice before fully trusting a government responsible for these deeds.
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
I dont think kids read anymore these days.
No it wasn’t, because agent ornate itself was not manufactured.
This is why proper research is important.
These are troops getting dental exam in China WW2!!!! B******t site!!
The United States is the father of modern day deceit and lies. It is the center of manipulative advertisement, stretching the truth, subliminal invasive prying, and a host of other mind bending garbage.
This country is the godfather of criminal propaganda, it feels justified in all it does because they confuse ruthless capitalism with democracy. US is criminally insane megalomaniac with lofty grandiosity and a false sense of mission.
It is a dangerous compartmentalizing psychopath. It relies on true believers and idiotic fools to keep its circus of blood on its world tour.
Many people who served at Ft. McClellan, AL are sick and do not know why. Bill Gate and Monsanto dumped chemicals into the drinking water. No consequences. The govt said they would “take care of them”.
FtMcClellan Toxic Exposure
HR 411 Ft McClellan Health Treat Act
I have always heard this. No one would ever admit to it.