Source: Common Dreams
The United States Government has been involved with a staggering number of inhumane and absolutely vile experiments on humans without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. In some cases these were simply misguided attempts to achieve some greater good, while in others, a quest for scientific discovery at any cost ran un-checked with truly evil consequences. Regardless of the excuses, these official projects or sanctioned cooperation by the American government mark terrible points in the country’s history.
BEWARE: the true stories and images on the following slides are disturbing and should make you think twice before fully trusting a government responsible for these deeds.
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
We only hear about the ones we catch or declassify, just think how many experiments we haven’t found out about yet… Shitty.
Do you mean black ops?
Facebook steady at number 1.
No, were not talking about soldiers in foreign countries. Were talking about projects happening right here in the states
You are naive.
Oh, then I don’t have to worry about you coming back. Who’s next?
Yeah….but what did they do wrong ?
13 most evil experiments…. that we know of.
Jonathan Cason Agent Orange was manufactured by Montasanto…. ya know, the GMO guys. smh
These are not the ones, because you know about them