Uncle Sam’s 13 Most Evil Experiments On Humans

Mustard Gas testing

Source: SpeakYourMind

2. Involuntary Mustard Gas Tests on Soldiers

In the 1940s military officials determined they must study the effects of various bio-weapons such as mustard gas in order to prove the effectiveness of defenses against such attacks. Unconsenting soldiers were sprayed with mustard gas and horrific chemicals like Lewisite. These chemicals cause horrific burns to the skin and lungs, triggering extreme pain, itching, swelling and in many cases, permanent damage.

Soldiers ‘helped’ test the effectiveness of gas masks and other protective gear when they were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to the chemicals.

To prevent suspicion, these experiments were recorded as ‘observations’.

The United States has also made “deals with the devil” at various times, cooperating with or benefiting from monstrous ‘tests’ performed by others, like the ones on the next page:

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Mustard Gas testing