13. Syphilis Experiments on Tuskegee
Researchers recruited 400 Tuskegee, Alabama share-croppers between 1932 and 1972 in order to study the natural progression of syphilis. The scientists never advised their subjects they had syphilis, though! The subjects believed they were being treated for “bad blood”. Meanwhile the researchers were merely monitoring them to track the extent of syphilis symptoms and effects.
When penicillin became the standard cure for the disease in 1947, researchers still said nothing, but continued the study for another 30 years, tracking the progression of symptoms and suffering.
Once the cruel experiment was discovered there was a huge political backlash and president Bill Clinton made a formal apology. At least the researchers did not actively infect their subjects as was done in Guatemala!
Talk about f**e news lol and just how the$#%&!@*would banning all abortions save the American dream for millions of avg tax paying working poor people
Looks like Japanese soldiers a old black and white picture
There is one more horrible experiment. Containing someone in a room and make them listen to The View for an hour. Suicidal…
Lol real evil
I can match #5… you made this a Slideshow.
(Slideshows are like flat rocks…they are skipped).
This kind of$#%&!@*is why the CIA must go away