Uncle Sam’s 13 Most Evil Experiments On Humans

U.S. Atol Nuclear Testing

12. Pacific Territories Doused by Radioactive Fallout

The most powerful nuclear device the United States ever detonated, Castle Bravo, was part of what was meant to be a secret test to learn more about the capabilities of nuclear explosives after Fat Man and Little Boy were dropped on Japan at the end of World War II. The secret eventually got out, though.

The detonation of the bomb was conducted over Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The scientists quickly learned of the unanticipated effects of nuclear fallout. Radioactive particles were blown by the wind and spread over residents of nearby islands, causing radiation sickness and birth defects. Children born to those affected developed thyroid cancer and neoplasms as a result.

Scientists took the opportunity to expand the experiment, setting up a study of the suffering of the affected populations.

Our list is almost at an end, although it may never be a complete accounting of government-perpetrated human experimentation. Read on to the next page for one more dreadful experiment, tragically similar to what we’ve seen before:


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