11. Operation: Midnight Climax
In Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA transformed clandestine safe-houses in San Francisco and New York into brothels in order to secretly study the effects of LSD and other psycho-active substances on non-consenting subjects.
Prostitutes were paid by the CIA to lure their clients to the houses. They then dosed the clients with various substances, including LSD.
CIA personnel monitored the experiments via two-way mirrors.
The officials responsible for the operation reportedly described them as “fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and bidding of the All-highest?”
The unsuspecting subjects of this experiment had no way of knowing what substances were being administered, nor the long-term effects they might have.
That aspect of the operation is similar to a far more serious, dangerous and devastating series of tests executed in United States territory in the 1950s. Check it out on the next page:
Talk about f**e news lol and just how the$#%&!@*would banning all abortions save the American dream for millions of avg tax paying working poor people
Looks like Japanese soldiers a old black and white picture
There is one more horrible experiment. Containing someone in a room and make them listen to The View for an hour. Suicidal…
Lol real evil
I can match #5… you made this a Slideshow.
(Slideshows are like flat rocks…they are skipped).
This kind of$#%&!@*is why the CIA must go away