9. Government Experiements Infected Puerto Rico with Cancer
American oncologist Doctor Cornelius Rhoads was sent to Puerto Rico by the Rockefeller Institute in 1931 to conduct a series of experiments. as part of his work, he intentionally infected Puerto Rican citizens with cancer cells! He allegedly wrote the following note, which offers some insight into his attitude and unsuitability. The note read, in part:
“The Porto Ricans (sic) are the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever to inhabit this sphere… I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several more… All physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.”
The note was discovered and published in Puerto Rico and in the United States, but the scandal was quickly hushed up, partly to protect the interests of the Rockefeller Institute.
In an unrelated but equally chilling story on the next page, cancer is again part of the threat:
Talk about f**e news lol and just how the$#%&!@*would banning all abortions save the American dream for millions of avg tax paying working poor people
Looks like Japanese soldiers a old black and white picture
There is one more horrible experiment. Containing someone in a room and make them listen to The View for an hour. Suicidal…
Lol real evil
I can match #5… you made this a Slideshow.
(Slideshows are like flat rocks…they are skipped).
This kind of$#%&!@*is why the CIA must go away