Three unarmed United States Marines traveling on a high-speed train between Amsterdam and Paris thwarted a terrorist attack when a gunman with an assault rifle opened fire, injuring three people.
The terrorist suspect had a knife and at least six full magazines of ammo, each holding almost 200 rounds.
The incident occurred at 6PM local time near Arras in northern France.
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Before anyone else jumps the gun, this was in France, there’s no immediate connection to any Islamic groups, and the French leadership are lauding their actions. Now I have no doubt Obama and the fool media will bury this story (it might get a mention on Fox, but not much more than that), but let’s not $#%&!@*ume on this one that Obama has any authority short of dishonorably discharging those Marines. I’m sure they’ll manufacture a reason.
And what has Obama said about these American Marines heroic deeds? France said thank you and praised these men. .
Great job Marines !!!!!
Simper Fi to this brave young Marine, please pray for him… and the others wounded… they should fry the shooter…
my prayers with are with you U.S.Maries
Our military are our heroes and should be armed at all times. Why aren’t they armed? How silly, well, stupid, really. They are the first to protect us and should be ready to do so. They better not get in trouble!!
May God bless him and heal him <3
It was a U.S. Marine. He lost his job as a U.S. Marine, and B. Hussein is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Marines. So, you are saying this highly decorated U.S. Marine was fired because he saved the lives of the people on the plane, even IF it was a French plane? Where is the logic in that?
OOO Rah Hope your wounds heal quickly and you get the credit due a U S Marine
Saving the French again