An unlikely source has uncovered some surprising data that undermines the leftist narrative about police brutality in the country.
The past two years has seen record outbreaks of violence and destruction in cities like Ferguson and Baltimore due to what is said to be racism on the part of police departments. Groups such as Black Lives Matter assert that law enforcement officers are trigger-happy when it comes to black Americans and thus untold numbers of innocent people have died at the hands of police.
Curious about these claims, The Washington Post decided to investigate fatal police shootings for the past year. What they found was incredible.
According to the Post’s study, “the kind of incidents that have ignited protests in many U.S. communities — most often, white police officers killing unarmed black men — represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.”
Read more about this bombshell news on the next page:
92% of all percentages made by Face Book posters are made up or not factual.
Mr gigs re you need to check your stats. Why is it that nobody says a thing when blacks kill white people. Go check the stats on that.
You display symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, I suggest you seek professional help ASAP.
Only 4%? What in the hell does that mean? I/10% is too many!!!! What about the prison stats, gotta answer for that?
They live there, it’s their mess, live with it.
Give them welfare, drugs, and free houses this is what you get! I forgot a cell phone too, so they can call there boys!
I have a nephew who turned 33 years old today and has dreamed of being a police officer. He has recently been accepted and will start in that Academy I’m February. He is a youth pastor and a fine young man. While I am happy for him I also fear for his safety in todays environment.
F**K BLM!!!
Is this America wow