UN Vaccines Sterilize 500,000 Women in Kenya

Billionaire globalist like Bill and Melinda Gates claim that people in Africa and other poor countries not getting vaccinated is very upsetting. And in the case of Kenya, downright “infuriating”. As Melinda Gates puts it, resistance to vaccinations “makes me angry”.

But, who really should be angry are the Kenyan people being taken advantage of by big money pharmaceutical companies and the globalist patronizing these morally debauched conglomerates.

500,000 Kenyan women and children are undergone forced sterilization as part of world “health organizations” issuing vaccinations through the government.

That is what should be making Mrs. Gates angry. Instead, it is women using their voice and saying “we don’t want to be forced to not have children against our will” that makes her mad.

It all started back in 2016 when the Catholic Church began to warn that what happened in the Philippines, Nicaragua and Mexico was happening yet again in Kenya.

Kenya’s opposition leader Raila Odinga—who swore himself in as president on Tuesday—claimed that at least 500,000 young girls and women may be infertile, following a tetanus vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015.

The controversy began coming to a head in 2016 when Agriq-Quest Ltd, a Nairobi-based pharmaceutical company got in a dispute with Kenya’s Ministry of Health over their tetanus and polio vaccinations. A group of Catholic doctors originally made the accusations claiming that the vaccines may contain a hormone that is dangerous to young women and can cause potential sterilization.

As the Agence de Presse Africaine reported:

Odinga said girls and women aged between 14 and 49 from the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children, because of a state-sponsored sterilization exercise that was sold to the country as a tetanus vaccination.

The Catholic Church was ignored when it mounted a strong but lonely campaign against the mass tetanus vaccination after it raised concerns about the safety of the vaccine that was being used, he said.

At the time, the Catholic Church in Kenya claimed that the tetanus vaccine used by the government of Kenya and UN agencies was contaminated with a hormone (hCG) that can cause miscarriages and render some women sterile.

The Catholic Church was right. The pharmaceutical company paid to create these laced vaccinations has had their license removed.

Odinga says they confirmed through analysis of samples that the vaccines used were tainted with the hormone.

“Today, we can confirm to the country that the Catholic Church was right. Hundreds of thousands of our girls and women, aged between 14 and 49, from the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children, because of the state-sponsored sterilization that was sold to the country as tetanus vaccination,” he declared.

The company who created these vaccines, Agriq-Quest, is now blaming the government for this scandal.

After Agriq-Quest’s license was suspended, the company pointed the finger at the government. They claimed that the government’s decision to suspend their license was due to the fact that Agriq-Quest refused to doctor the tests for them.

According to Business Daily Africa, when Agriq-Quest conducted the tests on the vaccines, they found the Catholic Church’s suspicions to be correct.

As BDA reported, “The company’s results from tests carried out on the vials showed that the samples of the vaccines were contaminated as had been claimed by the Catholic Church and Agriq-Quest claimed the government wanted the results altered to show that they were fit to be administered to women and children.”

According to Odinga, as reported by APA, the government, for some mysterious reason, was hell-bent on misleading the country, while intentionally sterilizing Kenyan girls and women.

This is horrifying and shocking! Especially considering that this has also happened in three other countries.

Head on over to the next page to learn more about these vaccines found to be laced with sterilization drugs.

Bill and Melinda Gates’ explanations as to why things like this happen are completely shocking!




  1. Kerry Coyle
  2. Dauntae
  3. Gerald

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