The drought in California the worst in over 1,200 years. At least 78% of the State is in the midst of exceptionally severe drought conditions. Not only is the drought severe, it is sudden. The affected portion of the state is 22% greater than just a year ago.
Photos comparing affected regions from just a few years ago show just how bad the problem is, and there is no proposed solution in sight. But one U.N. delegate is says that evacuation is a possibility. Will the blue helmets arrive to help facilitate the relocation of tens of millions of Americans?
What makes the gr$#%&!@* grow?
We gay men need the California Progressive Government to do something about this water crisis. If we don’t have enough water every day for Rectal Clean out we may end up voting Republican. You try $#%&!@* without Rectal Clean out.
america has the $$$
UN can go blow each other get em out of our country
Blue moving targets in cali?
No President on duty you mean;!!!
Screw the UN
And what would the UN do? Bring water? Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Defund and deport. 🙁
Before the UN can dictate anything pay THE People of this country all the monies you owe us first!!
Well that was stupid, human life is more important that a flipping fish