Dr. Rosalind Peterson from the Agricultural Defense Coalition recently testified in front of the UN as to the nature of chemtrails and how they are being used to modify our weather, while at the same time are showering us with chemicals.
Dr. Peterson states that these chemtrails start as a thin trail and spread out for the better part of a day into a man-made cloud. These chemtrails actually trap warmth in our atmosphere, thereby increasing global warming, reducing sunlight and inhibiting photosynthesis.
I thought obama shut down nasa and halted all launching of anything, and even retired ALL space shuttles! How the hell are the launching all this $#%&!@* into the outer atmosphere and changing the weather??????
I call Bull$hit! Does she actually receive a paycheck??
Lies more lies lies lies lies it’s going to come around and bite them in the butt
Put her lying ass in jail
Isn’t this from 2009 or something? C**p now c**p then…..
its not c**p they are doing this to try and used the weather as a welpon. watch you can see them every where. if you think this isnt so look at the drough in the west the excessive rain in the n.e. wake up fools do you think the goverment cares. look at the childern being born with more birth defects then every, more canser, alhimers and more, theres more of that now then every
No kidding.
Why are they doing this,what Benefit would it be ,or what are they using it for ?
the question that was never answered….if they are spraying won’t it affect them too?
leave the damn weather alone, it is not meant to be tampered with and you are poisoning our water and us