Dr. Rosalind Peterson from the Agricultural Defense Coalition recently testified in front of the UN as to the nature of chemtrails and how they are being used to modify our weather, while at the same time are showering us with chemicals.
Dr. Peterson states that these chemtrails start as a thin trail and spread out for the better part of a day into a man-made cloud. These chemtrails actually trap warmth in our atmosphere, thereby increasing global warming, reducing sunlight and inhibiting photosynthesis.
Mike Duhr
This looks like genocide to me. Those that are behind this agenda should be prosecuted and the activity needs to stop immediately! How could not anyone see the health risks here?
Time to put an end of it and have them be responsible to the health risk that is involved!
Scott MacDonald
Believe it now. No more theory, conspiracy fact.
The us govt. Program is called geo engineering the department of energy spends 5 billion a year on it. The Program is verifiable but it’s contents are classified.
Time for a class action suit.
HAARP heats up spcifically targeted areas of the ionosphere with radio waves.
Do a little research about this woman before posting a glowing article of her actions before the UN. This woman testifying before the UN was the first red flag. Who is she? She is a former USDA inspector. She co-founded the group Agriculture Defense Coalition, sounds important, got her a seat before the UN. Keynote speaker at the CLIMATE CHANGE Summit 2007….. and that folks is all you need to know.
Why not try leaving things a lone. Then again I wish the U.N. would get the hell off our soil. Then again I guess either one is a pipe dream.