The United Nations Convention on Migratory Species met in Quito, Ecuador from Nov. 4-9, 2014 to discuss how to move forward on a ban on lead ammunition because of…wait for it……..birds……
Yes, the United Nations is actually pushing for a global ban on lead ammunition under the guise of protecting migratory birds.
Migratory birds? You would think that they would come up with a better excuse than that.
UN is a worthless communist agency trying to run the world it needs to be Abolished. America needs to quit giving it money.
It’s ok. Just make us nice and weak for when countries who aren’t forced to participate in these ridiculous ideas want to come on over and cause a ruckus .
take take gun thing down it is offenceive to our republic
Screw them.
Ryan Neel
@[100000851613099:2048:Ryan Neel]
Good for them.
Ban the UN and defund it!
Screw the UN, that is one worthless organization.
beyter include these too huh