It use to sound like something out of a Philip K. Dick novel, replicants and all. But after 2020…
The United Nations plans to have all us humans imprinted with biometric identification cards by 2030.
If you’re not sure what this means for you, it would basically be sci-fi meets 1984. The world government would know where you go, what you do, who you’re with, and who you are at all times, anywhere, every day and every night. It means more restrictions and less freedom.
Find out how more about the United Nations plans to implant you on the following page:
The elect understand the evil that come with the implant, (mark of the beast). Those unaware will be willing to accept it,. Their place in eternity will not be pleasant.
We all have the chip in the hand. Your cell phone is telling “them” where you go, where you are, what you like, what you think, feel, buy and support. They know everything about you.
I couldn’t even read the damn article!!!
I clicked on Next Page and a full page of ads came up. There was no way to close the page so I couldn’t even read the article.
Great Job Truth And Action and Facebook!!!
This is all in Revelations, happening sooner than we thought. Not putting no chip in me. Not hoing to hell for no one!
The best plan would be to completely dissolve the U.N forever!
Dont do it. Dont let it be done to you.
They erased what I said to expose their DECEIT OF PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD BY GOVERNMENT
I don’t understand why we give this money to the UN and other countries who hate us. We need to end this because this country is in debt over the top. We need to tighten our belts and cut the deficit.
Sadly it seems like it. You know I believe the UN is the Bible “beast”.
Sadly it seems like it. You know I believe the UN is the Bible “beast”.