It use to sound like something out of a Philip K. Dick novel, replicants and all. But after 2020…
The United Nations plans to have all us humans imprinted with biometric identification cards by 2030.
If you’re not sure what this means for you, it would basically be sci-fi meets 1984. The world government would know where you go, what you do, who you’re with, and who you are at all times, anywhere, every day and every night. It means more restrictions and less freedom.
Find out how more about the United Nations plans to implant you on the following page:
Dump the UN permanently
Stop funding this worthless entity they don’t do anybody any good they can take the chip and shove it
Not here
Ah ah ah good luck on that
Any twerp in a UN blue hat shows up to do that at my door will be wearing an iron skillet on his head! Courtesy of my kitchen ! The others a swift kick in the rear with my rolling pins! A good crack on the forehead with my fireplace poker ! Ready ?
Modern 666
Shove it up your c**p hole