It use to sound like something out of a Philip K. Dick novel, replicants and all. But after 2020…
The United Nations plans to have all us humans imprinted with biometric identification cards by 2030.
If you’re not sure what this means for you, it would basically be sci-fi meets 1984. The world government would know where you go, what you do, who you’re with, and who you are at all times, anywhere, every day and every night. It means more restrictions and less freedom.
Find out how more about the United Nations plans to implant you on the following page:
Not a n the USA
Jason Jackman is a TROLL.
This must be in countries that don’t have firearms
No way Refuse Humans don’t need a Bug in the Rug
Hear You Jay in your army
This c**p is part of the One World government ideology. If, and I stress if, they are successful in toppling the USA, the main obstacle to their world$#%&!@* the others will follow easily. These assholes are trying hard to tear down what makes America, AMERICA. The Constitution, the family unit, and the freedoms we are accustomed to. Wake up AMERICA, we can’t allow this to happen. There are those hell bent on turning the USA into a third world shithole. Not going to allow that to happen on my watch.
I don’t think so! You arent putting that c**p in me!
They can shove it.
The UN can GO FK ITSELF or they’ll feed the worms!!
I don’t think so.