UN Peacekeepers Accused of Raping Ninety-Eight Girls, ‘Forced sex with dog’

The UN currently has 106,000 troops serving in 16 peacekeeping missions throughout the world. Those troops are generally unwanted and ineffective. They do not belong to the country they are serving in, and are therefore unassimilated and unsympathetic to the locals who they generally feel superior to. Their behavior often reflects that disdain, and this new outrage clearly demonstrates that sentiment.

An advocacy group has released horrifying details of how at least 98 Central African Republic (CAR) girls were allegedly sexually abused by international peacekeepers.

The report was released by AIDS-Free World, an international advocacy organization, on Wednesday. The group said that MINUSCA, the UN’s peacekeeping mission in CAR, met with local leaders and victims “who reported that troops from France and Gabon have sexually abused several girls in their province.”

The girls said they “were tied up and undressed inside a camp by a military commander from the Sangaris force (the French military intervention in CAR) and forced to have sex with a dog,” the group wrote.

After the rape, each girl was reportedly given 5,000 Central African Francs ($9).

The report was sent directly to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who immediately issued a response, expressing his horror.

“I am shocked to the core by the latest allegations of abuse by international forces in the Central African Republic. Our focus must be on the victims and their families. We are talking about women and young children who have been traumatized in the worst imaginable way,” Ban said in a statement, released by UN.

The UN investigation into “these sickening allegations, which suggest sexual abuse and exploitation of a large number of women and girls, must leave no stone unturned,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.

“We are taking these allegations – some of which are particularly odious – extremely seriously. It is vital that the victims are protected and receive all necessary care,” he said.

This type of outrage and corruption by UN “peacekeepers” is nothing new, and you can rest assured that some low level UN soldiers will be drummed out of the service, but no real changes will be effected. The UN is rotten from the head, so it should surprise no one that the body also stinks from corruption.

The United States is tainted by its association and support of this disgusting organization, and it should withdraw from it and cease all financial backing post haste. But Liberals will cry a river if we do and will claim we just aren’t serious about seeking world peace.

So we will continue to be abuse and to sanction abuse committed under UN colors, and you can bet the house that these types of obnoxious and corrupt practices will continue to crop up, and will then be buried as quickly as possible until the next one appears.

Source: www.rt.com






  1. Norm

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