The United Nationals Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has issued a report critical of the United States practice of detaining would-be immigrants to determine their appropriate status.
What makes this news ironic is that some of the Council members are hardly shining lights of liberty. But its work is typical of the “open borders” bias that infects the United Nations and other globalist organizations as a whole.
For some reason, the fact that the United States still wants to maintain some semblance of sovereignty is offensive to many in the world community today. Considering all the possible places that asylum seekers and refugees would want to go, the good old USA would be at the very top of the list.
On the next page, learn more about some of the Council members and their gross hypocrisy in attacking U.S. human rights and immigration policies. Find out UNHRC’s specific complaints, and how they run counter to common sense.
Screw the un they don’t tell us how to run our country throw them out
Detention of Immigrants. They can go back where they came from…
To hell with the un
Defund the UN strip all their immunity freeze all their assets kick out of our country and turn complex into housing and services for homeless veterans
And who cares what the UN demands?
defund the U.N.. Then kick their asses out of our country.
Yes I’m sure it’s all the countries that want Muslim domination
The simple answer is to just turn these people away at the borders. Noncitizens have no right to enter this country.
It’s our country it’s better than shooting them as soon as they cross the border In my opinion I would shoot on site but I’m not in charge maybe I will some day
Sorry they can go back and build there country … oh wait they are going to destroy Europe