It takes $924,000 monthly for the IAEA to audit the current nuclear agreement with Iran, but Mr. Amano said they are out of money at the end of the month.
Seriously? A deal is struck, but there will be no money to implement the deal?
Under the agreement reached between Tehran and six world powers on July 14, sanctions relief for Iran hinges on IAEA reports on its past and present nuclear programme. So far, costs for the IAEA’s activities on Iran have been met through extra-budgetary contributions from member states.
According to The Hindu, the U.S. committed to making certain that there would be enough money to continue the operations in Iran.
CNN reports,
A new nuclear deal may have been hammered out between six world powers and Iran, but the funds to make sure it’s implemented are not in place, the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog has warned.
How can continued inspections be implemented, designed to keep the world safe from Iran getting a nuclear bomb, if the very nations that signed onto the treaty did not have the foresight that the money would run out?
The blind are leading the blind in this, right into a nuclear pit.
Read more at The Hindu.
I wish the UN would run out of money. They don’t do anything.
How many percent which care is very fair today and tomorrow.
Obama, Obama, Obama, need I say more.
NO more money to the UN for anything .. we give them at least 8 Billion a year and they are involved with obamas agenday to try and take over the USA ….. No to the iran so called deal .. unless you want to see a mushroom cloud on the horizen . and your children and grand children fried .
Yet they keep pushing global gun control.