Remember how Obama insisted that the Iran nuclear deal would severely limit the amount of uranium Iran could possess? In a report that should come as a shock to no one, the Washington Examiner is saying that the opposite has occurred. Iran now has more low-enriched uranium than before, not less.
Some are insisting that Iran could very easily get rid of the material in accordance with the deal, but then why obtain it in the first place?
Many are asking that we simply trust Iran’s intentions, but as Allen West points out in his own piece on the subject, it’s foolish for us to simply trust the world’s number one sponsor of Islamic terrorism.
Expect that you won’t hear much about his development from the Obama administration. They’re much more concerned with the political “win” that accompanied the deal than the actual deal itself. Meanwhile, they’ll let Iran do what its always done with little to no ramifications.
To see what Allen West has to say on the subject, continue reading on the next page:
Im not surprised. Anyone that didnt know this was probably fixated on a flag and tolerance when obuma was making this iran deal and the TPP.
Obama is a Shiite Muslim Terrorist!
Epic fail!
Obama is such a pinhead and John Kerry is so dumb he doesn’t even qualify to be a pinhead.
Please God get us through the rest of this administration and peacefully into and through the next.
Omg! Im shocked I cant believe they have betrayed us it isn’t like they,shout death to america
Not a surprise, considering that’s a result of the genius that brought us tactics like defeating terrorism by ignoring it.
Might not want to Live in a city with New Antiamerica
Blah, blah, blah….. Tell me something I didn’t know, but was unable to stop because of our treasonous congress and president.
Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya who hates America and hates Christians.