Remember how Obama insisted that the Iran nuclear deal would severely limit the amount of uranium Iran could possess? In a report that should come as a shock to no one, the Washington Examiner is saying that the opposite has occurred. Iran now has more low-enriched uranium than before, not less.
Some are insisting that Iran could very easily get rid of the material in accordance with the deal, but then why obtain it in the first place?
Many are asking that we simply trust Iran’s intentions, but as Allen West points out in his own piece on the subject, it’s foolish for us to simply trust the world’s number one sponsor of Islamic terrorism.
Expect that you won’t hear much about his development from the Obama administration. They’re much more concerned with the political “win” that accompanied the deal than the actual deal itself. Meanwhile, they’ll let Iran do what its always done with little to no ramifications.
To see what Allen West has to say on the subject, continue reading on the next page:
No need for a wake up call for real Americans; it’s the f**e Americas that need a wake up call…or a noose.
It’s been verified over and over the last 30 years that Iran is not building a bomb. Let’s talk about Israel’s hundreds of bombs that are nuclear and illegal and have not been inspected at all ever unlike Iran..
Obama on Iran side, i thought they are Shiites
What is the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama half brother is a member of the Brotherhood so Obama is what ever they are they don’t like the Egypt Leader he is moderate Sunni, so Obama has to be Shiite Muslim Terrorist
Obama wants iran to nuke the western countries
1 202 224 2341 the office of the Seargent at Arms of The United States of America. Paul Irving, has the power and the authority to arrest Barrack Hussein Obama. Merry Christmas, make the call. It’s your right as a citizen. Leave a message, but don’t be discouraged. Be clear, concise and respectful.
Obama’s always wrong ! Impeach !
Media Diversion BECAUSE THEY OWN THE MEDIA— Meanwhile Obama and his team are trying out how to use this in his anti – gun bring more terrorist in agenda and Hillary and her team are searching through YOU TUBE- looking for a video to blame and lie to the American Citizens… #WakeUpAmerica
WE ALL must still be concerned with any possible nuclear weapons plans Iran may possibly have for it’s radioactive materials….