The United Nations is right on cue with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in calling for civilian disarmament after the the Charleston church shootings this month.
Their statement was released on June 19th by the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent. The UN likes to engage in race baiting as well, specifically noting in their “urgent message” the necessity of gun control in crimes of this nature for “the security of Afro-Americans.”
In get the hell out of my country !!! Evil devil worshipers!!! But out of america!!!!
The UN can p**p in one hand and demand in the other and see which hand gets filled first.
We need to get out of the UN and empty that building in NYC.
Un does not make rules here p**s on them blue helmets
46 democrat senators voted to turn our gun rights over to the UN!! Not a single Republican in on the list. The democrats did it again. The democrats are tearing our Cons$#%&!@*ution apart.
For an elected US official to sign a treaty on behalf of our country without the convent of the U.S. senate, as required by the U.S. Cons$#%&!@*ution, should be a crime punishable by incarceration and impeachment! The act is a clear violation of the highest law in our land. How can this be tolerated?
The Communist UN and their Communist partner in the White House are completely insane if they really think they are ever going to get all of our guns I am a 3 tour airborne ranger I almost lost my life to wounds in Vietnam and I can promise you I am an Patriot and love my Country I will die on my feet fighting for my Country and will never bow a knee to that worthless Communist in we the peoples White House
Demand the immediate end of U.N. funding.