COP 21 believes that anthropogenic climate change is so obvious a fact that people should be treated like criminals for doubting it. Others, however, are not so sure, as The Freedom Articles points out:
“– NIPCC: The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change is an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change. They published the 2009 report Climate Change Reconsidered which they claim “is the most comprehensive critique of the IPCC’s positions ever published. It lists 35 contributors and reviewers from 14 countries and presents in an appendix the names of 31,478 American scientists who have signed a petition saying ‘there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate’.’;
– 1000+ dissenting scientists: as of 2010, there were more than 1000 international scientists (up from 700) who came out and publicly went on the record to state that AGW is a flawed model. The list includes many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN IPCC;
– This list of scientists who oppose the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming;
– John Casey: this former White House space program advisor believes in global cooling, and that the Earth is on the brink of a major ice age;
– Christopher Monckton: this former advisor to the UK Prime Minister has done a great job exposing the fear mongering and junk science behind the global warming movement, which is really a cover for implementing cap-and-trade (favoring big corporations) and global government. He quotes how Al Gore admitting his own sensationalism: ‘I believe it’s appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations of how dangerous it is’;
– Ian Plimer: this Australian geologist humorously calls the AGW movement a ‘load of hot air’ and has shown how the data measurements for climate change have been totally rigged. He also points out how environmentalism has replaced organized religion as a matter of personal faith.;
– Russia: Many have referenced Russian President Putin’s disdain for the idea of AGW, and have reported that he believes that ‘there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries, including Russia,’ and that maybe global warming will mean Russians ‘spend less on fur coats.'”
Source: The Freedom Articles
Real science and facts have no place in their arguments. Climate change is a Panzi scheme; follow the money. Every prediction they have made has NOT come to pass.
The best lier in the world
Whaaat…make belief a law……too scary for me
the UN wants to make it a law to beklieve a lie, what good is the UN, kick them out of the USA immediately.
I beg to differ GENESIS 8.22.
This has always been a disguise for the Illuminati depopulation agenda and NWO nazi global government. It’s anti-environment; Bill Gates’ Monsanto GMO crops, poisoning the earth with chemtrails and reducing sunlight by 20% to cause starvation; vaccinations. Read Codex Alimentaris and Agenda 21. Codex bans all vitamins and herbal medicines. The EU has banned colloidal silver, patented as Movidyn by nazis and kills all pandemic pathogens. Codex includes a lot of fluoride in food; used by Hitler to passify and cause brain damage.
Satan taking over.