The 2015 Paris Climate Conference, or COP 21, is reportedly planning to enshrine support for anthropogenic or manmade climate change into law when it meets later this year. It’s proponents hope to accomplish this through “a legally binding and universal agreement on climate”, which would be the first of it’s kind in 20 years of UN wrangling over the topic.
This would be a most alarming development for climate change skeptics, as it would essentially criminalize dissent from the UN party line that climate change is caused by human activities and thus open the door to prosecution of said skeptics.
Turn to the next page to see why others think COP 21 is full of it:
Real science and facts have no place in their arguments. Climate change is a Panzi scheme; follow the money. Every prediction they have made has NOT come to pass.
The best lier in the world
Whaaat…make belief a law……too scary for me
the UN wants to make it a law to beklieve a lie, what good is the UN, kick them out of the USA immediately.
I beg to differ GENESIS 8.22.
This has always been a disguise for the Illuminati depopulation agenda and NWO nazi global government. It’s anti-environment; Bill Gates’ Monsanto GMO crops, poisoning the earth with chemtrails and reducing sunlight by 20% to cause starvation; vaccinations. Read Codex Alimentaris and Agenda 21. Codex bans all vitamins and herbal medicines. The EU has banned colloidal silver, patented as Movidyn by nazis and kills all pandemic pathogens. Codex includes a lot of fluoride in food; used by Hitler to passify and cause brain damage.
Satan taking over.