Hopefully with the change of administrations in the US we will see an end to the interference by the UN in our nation’s affairs, and the banishment of New World Order nonsense. Maybe that’s too much to hope for in 2017, but the election of Donald Trump is a step in the right direction, and brings hope that things can be turned around.
As long as Mr. Obama remains in office, we are going to subjected to globalist influences. Even at something as simple and traditional as the dropping of the ball on New Years in New York.
Guess who is going to push the button this year? Answer on page two.
He has no business in our country what’s next before Obama leaves
What with so much mismanagement in our government and world politics, nobody will be surprised at him dropping the ball!
That is suspicious
Why not an AMERICAN. This is an insult.
WHY ?????
I hope President Trump will return the favor and drop the funds to the UN!
Get us OUT
He was practicing ‘dropping the ball’ with ISRAEL?
They are a danger to Civilization and all living things in the area. They have an agenda that’s 1500 years old and George Soros, Rothschild and the “One Worlders” can use the war they will cause to dominate the ‘One World’
13 Doctrines of Radical Islam and ISIS
1. You can rape, marry and divorce pre-pubescent girls; Qur’an 65:4
2. You can enslave for sex and work; Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. You can beat sex slaves, work slaves and wives; Qur’an 4:34
4. You will need 4 male witnesses to prove a rape; Qur’an 24:4
5. Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay Jizya tax; Qur’an 9:29
6. Crucify and amputate non-Muslims: Qur’an; 8:12, 47:4
7. You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in heaven; Qur’an 9:111
8. You will kill anyone who leaves Islam; Qur’an 2:217, 4:89
9. You will behead non-Muslims: Qur’an; 8:12, 47:4
10. You will kill and be killed for Al’llah; (verse of the sword) Qur’an 9:5
11. You will terrorize non-Muslims; Qur’an 8:12, 8:60
12. Steal from bon-Muslims; Qur’an chapter 8 (booty/spoils of war)
13. Lie to strengthen Islam; (Taqyya deception) Qur’an; 3:26, 3:54, 9:3, 16:106, 40:28
Trump should give the free loading anti american UN the boot
No no no