Hopefully with the change of administrations in the US we will see an end to the interference by the UN in our nation’s affairs, and the banishment of New World Order nonsense. Maybe that’s too much to hope for in 2017, but the election of Donald Trump is a step in the right direction, and brings hope that things can be turned around.
As long as Mr. Obama remains in office, we are going to subjected to globalist influences. Even at something as simple and traditional as the dropping of the ball on New Years in New York.
Guess who is going to push the button this year? Answer on page two.
Give them 30 days to leave on their own or be evicted. Stop funding on 1/ 21/17 & convert the un building to a homeless facility.
Wrong! Hurry up Donald.
Believe it or not, the United Nation is spiritually founded on Lucifer Trust which is now known as Lucis Trust.
Lucis Trust – The Spiritual Foundation of the U.N.
“The LUCIS TRUST is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as LUCIFER TRUST by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey’s book, ‘Initiation, Human and Solar’ was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as ‘Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923.’ Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly.
95% of foreign Yolanda donations went to UN – Soliman
Dismantle UN in the United States!!!!
The United Nations Exposed: Who Is In Control?
Asshole needs to leave
Get them out of america .
UN needs to leave USA, we are not part of the one world$#%&!@*of the globelists.
They must have a lot of experience dropping the ball.