Obama and the liberal side push the national debate over gun control at every opportunity. It most recently raged online after the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, to the point where Obama , without knowledge of the event, turned the focus on himself and his gun control agenda.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, caught in the shadows, were comments on the subject posted on Facebook by Sheriff John Hanlin of Douglas County. His force responded to the latest rampage. And he came under scrutiny.
See page 2:
Exactly. Cannot find a shred of anything NEW.
Its all friend-of-a-friend stories or media hype from that week.
Where are the Victims’ families at? Where is the School Administration? Where are the lawsuits?
Seriously. Americans go wild with lawsuits. Where are they?
Where are the Officers who first responded?
Where are the books..? Any type of catastrophic anything is always met with a flood of eye witness accounts in books.
Serious questions. No one can provide answers. After more than a decade on the Military, I dont trust anything the media says.
Time is a matter of opinion in your world? wow!!!!
Sandy Hoax
Once again NONE of this is new, just the same old (and in a few cases original) c**p chewed up and regurgitated. The only new posting is a supposed “letter” regarding another false flag event. Anyone can pen a letter….sorry, fail.
Oh, BTW the story about the sherrif that this conversation is attached to IS a hoax. He never posted the Sandy Hook stuff to his page. Doesn’t change the current conversation however….
Barb, You have to be “slow”. What, do you want an interview everyday for the rest of time? The shootings happened in Dec 2012, some of those interviews are much later. Also, the sheriff did post that about Sandy hook, he took it down later. He didn’t deny it.
Since the words of grieving and devastated parents of dead children are not enough for you “Tin-foil types”, here is the official report. http://www.shac.ct.gov/SHAC_Final_Report_3-6-2015.pdf