Obama and the liberal side push the national debate over gun control at every opportunity. It most recently raged online after the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, to the point where Obama , without knowledge of the event, turned the focus on himself and his gun control agenda.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, caught in the shadows, were comments on the subject posted on Facebook by Sheriff John Hanlin of Douglas County. His force responded to the latest rampage. And he came under scrutiny.
See page 2:
CIA, SS, NSA would not be involved. This is not in their purview.
They Demolished the “Shooters'” moms home as well…WHY??? And All the records are SEALED by the CT STATE POLICE…Its almost like the ONE KILLER Theory in the KENNEDY KILLING….
Smh….a gov. Report, dilussional
I’m not a tin hat wearing person but all these shooting really seem odd. The find manifestos that all the shooters have written and things just seem to “in place” and almost movie circumstance stuff! Just seems and feels all off to me in my gut
Just my opinion angel! I’m entitled to that the same as you are your opinion
And……I wouldn’t put our corrupt government past anything
The gov’t i not that sophisticated and cannot keep secrets. Trust me on that.
Yes, a report one by the entities involved including officers at the scene cannot possibly be accurate right?
Anyone can dress up as an officer