The UK government wants to keep a close eye on all their toddlers with the intention of identifying those at risk of becoming terrorists.
Nursery staff, teachers and child care providers are tasked with becoming ‘spies’ under the proposed directive currently before Parliament.
Pre-crime surveillance is now taking multiple forms in an effort to discover those who will not bend over to the authority of the ruling class. Once these ‘potential terrorists’ are found, one would assume they would get a special education on how to be a sheep.
No, I meant the Muslims that are taking over Great Britain, and starting to demand halal, their own schools, welfare, and silence from Christians. Remember: A radical Muslim wants to cut your head off. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to cut your head off.
Paranoid is right! Crazy as hell is what they are! INSANE!!!!!!!
Neither goat screwer go back to you sewer
couldn’t be all those radicals you let in the country….LOL..
one world order elite stupidity God did not give you the sperit of fear
While mooslims and terrorists invade their country.
No need to spy on every child, just start off with the Muslim kids, and see how that works out!
No. Free thought suggests they won’t become terrorists. They will be able to think for themselves and form their own opinions & conclusions. Conformist thinkers are more likely to become terrorists, as they will simply jump of the ‘popular’ thinking bandwagon. The key is to teach and raise our children to be decent, considerate human beings and make sure they are able to think for themselves. That way, they will be able to make decisions they are kind, thoughtful and humane.