The UK government wants to keep a close eye on all their toddlers with the intention of identifying those at risk of becoming terrorists.
Nursery staff, teachers and child care providers are tasked with becoming ‘spies’ under the proposed directive currently before Parliament.
Pre-crime surveillance is now taking multiple forms in an effort to discover those who will not bend over to the authority of the ruling class. Once these ‘potential terrorists’ are found, one would assume they would get a special education on how to be a sheep.
Are we all not potential saviours and super villains at that age? 🙂 Frankly I would demand a full accounting of every cent spent and a full refund.
you jerks..leave our children alone
The US spies on the UK so it is all good 😉
The Colorado version of this insanity, being implemented by TS Gold with a $30 million dollar grant, measures the “whole child.” The whole child is education talk for complete data mining invasiveness which measures children’s social compliance to authority as the central theme.
The term, the “Whole Child” means that TS Gold and InBloom are not just testing for “literacy, mathematics, science and technology, social studies and the arts,” but also for “developmental domains including social emotional, physical, language and cognitive development.” Students are rated and recorded on their ability to do things like “respond to emotional cues,” “interact cooperatively” and “cooperate and share ideas and materials in socially acceptable ways.”
1984 delayed, but in full swing none the less.
Well, they can look first in their huge muslim population.
Not good
sorry, UK knowledge is not serious, have so much “Aghata Christie”…
Simple. Expel all Muslims from civilised country’s. Problem solved.