The UK government wants to keep a close eye on all their toddlers with the intention of identifying those at risk of becoming terrorists.
Nursery staff, teachers and child care providers are tasked with becoming ‘spies’ under the proposed directive currently before Parliament.
Pre-crime surveillance is now taking multiple forms in an effort to discover those who will not bend over to the authority of the ruling class. Once these ‘potential terrorists’ are found, one would assume they would get a special education on how to be a sheep.
Experience free thought? Come on!
Because dealing with the ones we already have is a bit too much for these blokes.
Nazi screened their youth
It’s good to teach toddlers British’s values,but spying them?come on,are you kidding me?it’s sickness and paranoid
We all ready have terrorists we don’t need to look for them in our children look at muslim children they are being desensitized to look on death and murder as a more then norm as a way of life to then is death sad world not going to stand long all the cards are in place the Lord is coming soon to take home his bride the church do think so you better hope your right because if he finds you cold or lukewarm he will spit you out READ……..
Truth to be known they (the U.K. Govt.) are probably pedophiles and they are using this as an excuse to stalk children….
God’s not coming.
find someone else to talk to dont care to hear your side……….
If there Obama’s people children then they have my blessings to spy on these poor children. It’s so sad because government starts exploitation as soon as they walk through the doors for their first schooling.